Sunshine and surfing…

14 Mar

The weather is a balmy 85 degrees daily. Nicaragua is known as some of the worlds best surfing due to offshore winds…those same winds keep the heat of the day bearable.

Nicaragua is beautiful…deserted beaches, rugged hills, and the people. The people of any place is what draws us back. We have met new friends and continued friendships from last time we were here.

Our friendship has deepened with a few of the youth we met last time. We have worshipped together, eaten meals, surfed, played soccer and talked about Jesus and their growth in their faith. We have laughed at the antics of teenage boys and seen their eyes light up with hope at the dreams they want to pursue.

Relationship building is the core of what we do. By meeting and eating with locals, and those working here, we gain a deeper understanding of how God is at work, what we can do to join in it and support it.

We have met women that have left very abusive relationships to protect their children. Or children/pre-teens that have left their homes due to abuse. Here there are not government programs to assist them with housing, food, therapy or support.

Nicaragua is the second poorest country in Central America. Daily life is a life of basic survival, add hardship into the equation and it spirals out of control quickly.

The Yada Project has found a few of the women and youth to make macrame plant hangars, some of the women supporting their family through jewelry making. We have bought all items with a commitment to buy more as they have them ready. It is a small part but we have seen how much it can change the trajectory for a family.

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Posted by on March 14, 2023 in Uncategorized


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