Author Archives: 5byfaith

Sunshine and surfing…

The weather is a balmy 85 degrees daily. Nicaragua is known as some of the worlds best surfing due to offshore winds…those same winds keep the heat of the day bearable.

Nicaragua is beautiful…deserted beaches, rugged hills, and the people. The people of any place is what draws us back. We have met new friends and continued friendships from last time we were here.

Our friendship has deepened with a few of the youth we met last time. We have worshipped together, eaten meals, surfed, played soccer and talked about Jesus and their growth in their faith. We have laughed at the antics of teenage boys and seen their eyes light up with hope at the dreams they want to pursue.

Relationship building is the core of what we do. By meeting and eating with locals, and those working here, we gain a deeper understanding of how God is at work, what we can do to join in it and support it.

We have met women that have left very abusive relationships to protect their children. Or children/pre-teens that have left their homes due to abuse. Here there are not government programs to assist them with housing, food, therapy or support.

Nicaragua is the second poorest country in Central America. Daily life is a life of basic survival, add hardship into the equation and it spirals out of control quickly.

The Yada Project has found a few of the women and youth to make macrame plant hangars, some of the women supporting their family through jewelry making. We have bought all items with a commitment to buy more as they have them ready. It is a small part but we have seen how much it can change the trajectory for a family.

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Posted by on March 14, 2023 in Uncategorized


Operation orphanage

Over the past 10 years we have encountered the reality of sex trafficking in our travels. Women in Ecuador who have escaped a brothel, children in the Dominican Republic being rented for a week to sex tourists, teen girls in the Philippines working the street…the list goes on and on.

It was in seeing these things that God stirred my heart to do something. At some point, it went past knowing it was happening to seeing the faces of people that were being used/exploited. Looking into their eyes and knowing what was happening to them brought tears to my eyes in compassion and a mothers heart to fight the injustice like they were my own daughters.

We have sought out organizations working to prevent it and those that are working in the recovery process. There is a war against human trafficking happening around the globe and there are a lot of battles being won.

We learned of an orphanage here in Nicaragua that takes in children that have been sexually exploited. They house 70 children and also have a home for teen moms and their babies. We were eager to learn about what they were doing, how we could help and partner with them in continuing to provide services to children.

Don and I emailed, called and showed up to the address (a 2.5 hour drive). The address has a large sign showing that we were in the correct place. Mysteriously the orphanage has been closed down and all of the children moved. We talked to the guards and they only knew that about a year ago all of the children had been moved. They didn’t know where or why.

I have started a deeper dive into what happened…so far there are no answers. Knowing that children are often “resold” has my awareness in heightened alert. We will continue to pursue it and pray. For now it is just a “to be continued” blog post…

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Posted by on March 13, 2023 in Uncategorized


El Camino-The Way!

Two years ago our family visited a German bakery in the middle of rural Nicaragua. The smell of fresh bread drew us in. Immediately we made a connection with the owners that live here in Nicaragua, own the bakery and lead a church and youth center. We have continued our friendship and partnership over that past 2 years.

We have followed along as their vision for youth and the communities they serve has grown. They are immersed in the midst of Nicaragua…all of its beauty and hardships.

We have been intentional in seeking ways to join in their mission. This past week we had our crew finish off one of their Sunday school buildings. The outreach to kids in surrounding communities has been growing. The kids come to get a nutritious meal, Bible teaching and a time to hang out. It is a highlight of the week!

Having a project to do together was great for our group. Seeing all the kids using our little project on Sunday and having Zeke sit and learn a Bible story was a foretaste of what the space will be used for. Our prayer over that little shelter was “the word of God will not return empty, it will accomplish what God plans” Isaiah 55:11.

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Posted by on March 12, 2023 in Uncategorized


One Collective

One Collective is a mission organization that works throughout the world. We have met friends working with them in all parts of the world and connected with the team working here in Nicaragua.

We met at their coffee shop, Beto’s Bistro. It is a great meeting spot in their town of Masatepe. They are creating a space that employs locals and welcomes the community to gather. Dominique leads the bistro and the kindness of her heart shines through into the space.

Alcoholism is a problem throughout Nicaragua. It is a common sight to see men passed out along the street. Along with that, or because of it, domestic abuse and infidelity is very common. Each group we have visited is aware of these issues and is working towards bringing hope and healing to families. One Collective specifically does an outreach in the town square a few times a week.

Beto’s Bistro

There is a recovery program for those that want want to get clean at their property. Just outside of the town center is their farm that houses the program. It has a bunkhouse where men can come to break free from their alcoholism, help at the farm and enter into a training program to learn other job skills.

The farm also grows every fruit imaginable (it was a delicious tour!).

The Farm

It was a great connection to another group working in Nicaragua. As we have seen before…we meet, we pray and then wait for those connections to cross again to expand the Kingdom.

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Posted by on March 6, 2023 in Uncategorized


What a week!

We escaped the winter weather of Wisconsin, a few missed flights, enjoyed a mini reunion with family in Texas on our layover and crossed the border minutes before our covid tests expired…but we made it!

We picked up a van from the border and started the trek down dusty dirty roads to our little beach community. We passed little houses baking their daily bread, women at the wells getting their water, oxen pulling their loads, horse drawn wood carts, and lots of motorcycles. The images cannot be described in words and pictures do not give justice to the meshing of old and new. We quickly remember the pace of life and soak in the sweetness of enjoying life.

It has been a week of reuniting with past friends, making new connections and exploring Nicaragua with our team. We are reading through Ephesians together and see how God has created us for a purpose. Watching our week unfold has been a growing experience and so great to do together!

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Posted by on March 5, 2023 in Uncategorized


Nicaragua or bust…

We are heading to Nicaragua! Since our last trip we have continued building relationships and staying involved with friends and coworkers we met while we were there 2 years ago.

Since we were there last we have launched Yada Fair-trade & Resale in Madison. It has been one of the most rewarding, challenging, growing and fulfilling experiences we have had. We have seen the importance of relationships, listening to life experiences to gain understanding and seeing how small acts can lead to big changes. So much to say about Yada in Madison but for now we are focusing on Nicaragua.

We are currently trudging through Midwest winter weather, pilot shortages and delays to get feet on the ground there, but we are hopeful that tomorrow at this time we will have feet in the sand!

We are excited to continue partnership with Todo con Amor and The Way church in some small villages in Nicaragua. Working with youth through sports, baking and music. We will also be meeting with a few artisans for fair-trade products.

We have made connections with a few organizations that are working with sexually exploited children in Latin America. God knows how to make paths cross and it is always cool to see those unfold…stay tuned!

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Posted by on February 23, 2023 in Uncategorized


The Yada Project is expanding…

Sometimes you have an idea that takes root, nudges your heart and then you say it out loud to a few close friends and they want to join in the new venture. Then it explodes and you are in the midst of new business cards, new website, meeting with community leaders and other non-profits. The vision grows into reality and you are ready to announce it and see how God will lead into the next phase…

Yada FairTrade & Resale is about to open it’s doors in Madison! We have been collecting, washing, sizing and rearranging our retail space to bring in resale clothes, furniture and household items. We have created a boutique style resale shop with thrifty prices. We will be open to the public for shopping, but will be open special hours to host women in our community that could use some “pampering” with a more customized shopping experience. The special shopping hours will include a “high tea” flair with a personal shopping assistant and babysitting and delicious treats.

We are so excited to partner with The Elizabeth House and Zeteo. Both organizations work with women that are in need of support. The Elizabeth House offers a home, hope and support to women that are pregnant. Zeteo works around Dane County offering support to women that have been sexually exploited. Both are non-profits and help women through emotional and spiritual pathways. We are stepping up to help them provide for their physical needs. Through donations from the community, we will help provide clothes and furnishings for their new homes.

For years we have offered fair-trade products through the partnerships we have made throughout the globe. We are including those products into the Resale Shop to bring awareness and hope to those partnerships. Many of our partnerships help women that have been sex-trafficked. Making the connections throughout the world and within our community will dovetail together to make an impact locally and globally.

We are so excited to kick off this new venture and are already amazed at the team of people stepping up to help and donate. We plan to open to the public on June 19. Find out more at our new websites! and

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Posted by on June 9, 2021 in Uncategorized


Hear all about it on Tuesday!

Want to see some of the fair-trade products we picked up in Nicaragua? Or hear about a few of our adventures?

This Tuesday, March 23 at 7:30pm we will be set-up at Don’s shop. The address is 2620 Parmenter St. Middleton, 53562.

We will feature a few other products and stories in the next few weeks. We need your help to support and encourage artisans working in Nicaragua…and it is isn’t hard when they make beautiful work!

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Posted by on March 21, 2021 in Uncategorized


We made it!

Our adventure out of Nicaragua was successful!

Flying out of Nicaragua was an option…but a very expensive option. It was going to be our last resort since we had 7 of us traveling (our family and a friend of Isaiah’s along doing photography). The Covid test alone was $150p/p and there is only one airline flying in /out of Nicaragua so their tickets are more than $500p/p one way to Miami. You start to multiply all that by 7 and you search for other options!

The boat to Costa Rica was cancelled due to high winds. The boat guy’s response “it’s an incredible adventure, but we want to offer that, not a very uncomfortable and dangerous trip. The ocean is no joke.” I have a healthy respect for the ocean so we kept looking for options. (Costa Rica has their borders open if you fly or arrive by boat. You cannot walk or drive across from Nicaragua.)

Honduras has their borders open! We hired a driver from Nicaragua that took us to the border and we entered Honduras. We got 2 Covid tests (one antibody-the finger prick and one antigen test-the rapid nasal swab) at the border and continued on our adventure into Honduras. After a rental car, a few transport vans, a border crossing and a few Covid tests…we made it to a hotel and flew out to Miami on Tuesday. Unfortunately, we missed our last flight to Madison so enjoyed another warm evening in Miami and arrived home to a cold, rainy day in Madison on Wednesday.

Although a LONG journey home, we made a memory. We struggle to remember the easy journeys but the hard, painful or long journeys implant further in your mind.

Zeke was a traveling champ. When asked which Covid test he liked the best, he responded “I like the one where they just take my temperature (with the thermometer on your wrist)”. Yeah buddy, that is the best one! 😂

We made friends in Nicaragua. Not just traveling buddies, but actual friends that we will miss seeing. And there were more friends that we wanted to get to know better and spend more time with.

But for now, home is a good place to be. Finding joy and contentment on the beach in Nicaragua, at border crossings in Honduras or in the cold rain in Wisconsin is a choice. So joy in the journey and contentment it is…

The first Covid test at the border!
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Posted by on March 19, 2021 in Uncategorized



Nicaragua is beautiful. We have had a chance to venture up a volcano, onto an island and into tide pools and waves. In the midst of exploring we are making connections. Zeke has been to a new friends birthday party, we have hosted dinner with new friends, Lille and Eva are helping out at a local restaurant, and Isaiah has tagged along on a few surf boats with some new friends.

Don’s Spanish skills are being put to good use and our Spanglish is improving a bit…but honestly my game of charades is fully bilingual at this point.

The commonality we have experienced is that it is rarely the place that draws us in but the people. Our time exploring and building relationships gets ideas flowing. We have spent time planning some future steps for connections in Nicaragua for The Yada Project. Bringing groups down, setting up ongoing partnerships for products and investing in those already working here. We have pages of notes on various ideas and those are just a few.
We have been here almost a month. We have found what we have been praying for…ways to get involved, encouragement for those already working here and plans for the future.
And now a funny thing…it is a little tricky getting out of Nicaragua. There are flights, but they are really expensive. So we are checking getting to Costa Rica by boat, to El Salvador by bus or by walking in to Honduras. We still have no set flight back to the US on Sunday…so if you are led to pray that would be great.

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Posted by on March 12, 2021 in Uncategorized